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Countless lottery players dream of striking it rich by scoring a life-changing lotto jackpot. There is nothing wrong with this. Taking the chance on a lottery once in a while is a healthy habit even though the prospect of winning huge amounts of cash seems unlikely. Why not dream a little? The average American citizen spends $300 annually on lottery tickets. But, why spend your dollars when you can use bitcoins to play?

Where to Buy Lottery Tickets Using Bitcoin

bitcoin lottery ticketsThere are two options for buying lottery tickets using Bitcoin. The first is buying tickets for online Bitcoin lotteries that host their games based on the principle of Bitcoin games. These games are usually not so flashy, they are simple and instant. Because of that, you get the opportunity to play up to a dozen games in just one hour.

The second opportunity is buying lottery tickets here on our website, using Bitcoin for payment. That will get you into big-time lotteries like Powerball, MegaMillions, EuroMillions, El Gordo, and other state-run lotteries. Keep in mind that this is not possible by going to the official websites of these lotteries.
No, there you can buy tickets only using officially recognized currencies. Also, what if you do not live in the country where the lottery takes place? Instead, you have to find legitimate resellers of lottery tickets. What they do is our agents buy the physical ticket for you no matter where you are in the world, they scan it and send a copy of it to your player account.

Why use Bitcoin to pay here?

Paying with Bitcoin is ideal if you have no credit card or other option of payment offered on our website. Moreover, when you have had a smaller winning (maximum €2500), you get those funds instantly and with no tax deducted. The won amount will be in your player account instantly, and you can withdraw it to your Bitcoin wallet.
Depending on the crypto wallet you use, a small fee or percentage will be deducted for operating costs and maintenance, but that’s it. The money is yours instantly. And since Bitcoin can be used to buy various things on the internet today, you don’t even have to convert them into regular currency. Or, you may want to wait for the price to rise and then just sell them. And, boom, there is your additional profit!